Industry Rank
Out of 37 Total Brands in the Household Appliances Industry
Out of 69 Total Brands in the IT/ ICT Industry
CITI Score
Total Possible Score:100

Brand CITI Score Analysis

Responsiveness and Transparency

Total Score:6
Respond to Enquiries and Engage with Public
Brand appoints someone to follow up on green supply chain management in China.
Total Score:8
Promote Supply Chain Transparency
Brand updates published list of its suppliers in China at least annually; OR Brand has attempted to push its suppliers in China to use the Blue EcoChain or other automated system to track their own environmental performance and commit to provide public disclosures regarding violations in a timely manner, thereby accepting public supervision.

Compliance and Corrective Actions

Total Score:6
Establish Screening Mechanism
Brand screens its suppliers’ environmental compliance at least quarterly.
Total Score:12
Push Suppliers to Take Corrective Actions
Brand publicly requires supplier environmental compliance in writing, such as in their Supplier Code of Conduct, and commits to stakeholders that it will push suppliers to adopt corrective actions.

Extend Green Supply Chain Practices

Total Score:6
Responsible management of chemicals
Brand extends its environmental management to chemical production, use and discharge along its supply chain, and publicly discloses matching requirements.
Total Score:12
Responsible management of wastewater
Brand extends its environmental management to wastewater generation, treatment and discharge along its supply chain, and publicly discloses matching requirements.
Total Score:12
Responsible management of solid waste
Brand extends its environmental management to solid waste transportation, utilization and disposal along its supply chain, and publicly discloses matching requirements.
Total Score:6
Responsible management of logistic supplier
Brand has not yet publicly disclosed its green logistics requirement.
Total Score:6
Supplier selfmanagement
Brand empowers its suppliers to manage environmental risks along their own supply chains.

Energy Conservation and Emissions Reduction

Total Score:20
Push suppliers to reduce their energy use and carbon footprint, and disclose energy and climate data
Brand begins to calculate its greenhouse gas emissions, or publicly discloses its ongoing emissions reduction targets, or begins to manage emissions from its supply chain.
Total Score:12
Push suppliers to reduce resource use and pollutant emissions, and disclose pollutant release and transfer data
Brand has publicly disclosed resource use and efficiency, and pollutant reduction target(s) and the progress made against these targets.

Promote Public Green Choice

Total Score:6
Guide the public into paying attention to the environmental performance of its supply chains in China
Brand guides the public through online interactions and/or offline activities to understand its best practices to motivate suppliers in China to improve their environmental performance.

Communication Updates

  • required a electronics factory to disclose its annual resource use and emissions data.
    This factory, through motivation from its stakeholder LG Electronics, actively reported its pollutant release and transfer registry (PRTR) data. The factory has reported and publicly disclosed PRTR data in 2018, 2019.
     Disclosed PRTR Data
    ● Enterprise has published annual emissions data;
    ●Driving force: Stakeholders and environmentally conscious consumers.
    Publication Date:2020/7/1 18:25:14
  • required a electronics factory to report its annual resource use and emissions data.
    This factory, through motivation from its stakeholder LG Electronics, actively reported its pollutant release and transfer registry (PRTR) data. The factory has reported PRTR data in 2018, 2019.
     Uploaded PRTR Data
    ● Enterprise has uploaded annual emissions data;
    ●Driving force: Stakeholders and environmentally conscious consumers.
    Publication Date:2020/6/28 9:46:44
  • required a factory to issue an explanation for supervision record(s).
    This factory, through motivation from its stakeholder LG Electronics, actively communicated with environmental groups to issue an explanation for its supervision record(s) .
    ● Rectification progress:  Enterprise with supervisions has issued public explanation(s);
    ● Driving force: Stakeholders and environmentally conscious consumers.
    Publication Date:2020/6/6 11:39:20
  • required a factory to conduct an audit for its supervision record(s).
    This factory, through motivation from its stakeholder LG Electronics, actively communicated with environmental groups to implement corrective actions for its supervision record(s) , and underwent a third-party audit to verify the effectiveness of its corrective actions.
    ● Rectification progress:Enterprise with supervisions has demonstrated the effectiveness of corrective actions via third party audits;
    ●Driving force: Stakeholders and environmentally conscious consumers.
    Publication Date:2016/2/3 9:24:01

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