Rank Full Name of Listed Company Abbreviation Stock Ticker Number Environmental Performance Industry

Introduction of List

Since 2021, ThePaper.cn and the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) have jointly published the Chinese Listed Company Dynamic Environmental Performance List. The list aims to expose environmental pollution based on big data, motivate enterprises to undertake their environmental responsibilities and disclose environmental information. It also aims to unleash green investment opportunities, improve ESG investment, and accelerate green and low-carbon development with market forces.

ThePaper.cn is an all-media news and information platform focusing on original news, with the qualification of Internet news and information service. It produces and aggregates high-quality political, ideological, financial and cultural content for Chinese Internet users. ThePaper.cn aims to become a mainstream internet media, a matrix marketing platform and a full-chain content provider.

IPE is a non-profit environmental research organization registered in Beijing, China. Since its establishment in June 2006, IPE has dedicated to collecting, collating and analyzing government and corporate environmental information to build a database and two platforms – the Blue Map website and the Blue Map app. These environmental data have contributed to enterprise green procurement, green finance and government policy-making. The collaboration across companies, government, non-profit organizations, research organizations and other stakeholders have been leverages to motivate many enterprises to accelerate green transformation, promote environmental information disclosure and improve environmental governance mechanisms.

Note: ①   The Chinese Listed Company Dynamic Environmental Performance List is a dynamic list, which evaluates all Chinese A-share listed companies as well as their affiliates for their environmental supervision records as well as their environmental information disclosure. ②  The environmental performance score of listed companies is calculated based on the Dynamic Environmental Performance Assessment (DEPA) score of affiliated companies and their shareholding ratio. The DEPA score is calculated by the Blue Map based on statistical analysis of enterprises' environmental supervision records, featuring compliance, environmental management, energy conservation and emission reduction performance. DEPA’s base score is zero and is deducted when an environmental violation occurs. The deduction rate is based on the severity of the violation as well as the time when the violation happens. When the enterprise takes corrective actions and publicly discloses relevant information, the deducted score will be fixed. In addition, incentive score are given when the enterprise is recognized by governmental agencies as having good environmental performance, for example rated as ‘Green’ by Government Environmental Credit Rating, listed in the Exemplary List, or rated as 'A' or ‘Leader’ in the Government Performance Rating in heavy pollution weather. The higher the score, the better the company's environmental performance. ③  The score of below 0.005 indicates the scoring range of (0, 0.005); whilst that over -0.005 indicates the scoring range of (-0.005, 0】. ④  The Chinese Listed Company Dynamic Environmental Performance List is ranked from low to high. In the case of equal scores, the order is ranked from high to low according to the Environmental Performance Risk Index developed by the Blue Map Database and its partner institutions. ⑤  In addition to the overall ranking of all A-share listed companies, there’re also sub-lists for different industries based on the Industry Classification of Listed Companies issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. For any enquiries, please contact us at: liuji@thepaper.cn, gsc@ipe.org.cn