In terms of public supervision, the Group collaborates with IPE to monitor supplier performance using the Blue Map and provides support and corrective plans for identified environmental issues. In 2023, we successfully prompted 30 environmentally non-compliant suppliers in completing corrections, which were verified by the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) and its accredited third-party, Green Choice Alliance (GCA), leading to the removal of their regulatory records from the IPE’s Blue Map database... In addition, the Group promotes suppliers to disclose their PRTR on the IPE platform, including the amounts of general and hazardous industrial wastes generated, the amount of comprehensive utilization (reuse, recovery, composting of waste), and the reduction target for the coming year, and also demands suppliers to reduce the amount year by year. In 2023, the group promoted 145 suppliers to fill out the PRTR. In 2022, a total of 180,000 metric tons of general industrial waste and 520,000 metric tons of hazardous industrial waste were generated, and the comprehensive utilization of general industrial waste reached 130,000 metric tons. 42 of the suppliers have publicly disclosed the reduction targets for industrial waste and hazardous waste in 2023. With these targets successfully achieved, it is expected to reduce 7,791 metric tons of general industrial waste and 2,006 metric tons of hazardous waste.
--- Foxconn 2023 Supplier Responsibility Report