Brand CasesHuawei's Green Supply Chain Practices

Publication Date:2017-09-08

As Huawei’s global business expands, the company has received concerns about its green supply chain from the government, customers, third parties and other stakeholders. “Promoting green practices and  environmental protection” has become one of Huawei’s sustainable development goals.

Huawei encourages its suppliers to set up energy management organizations, carry out independent audits, identify energy consumption and carbon emissions reduction opportunities, benchmark itself against industry best practices and business cases, and develop and implement annual energy conservation and emissions reduction plans. The company has selected suppliers to test the acceptance of such measures.

In 2016, a total of 20 suppliers took part in energy conservation and emissions reduction plans, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by a total of 55,000 tons that year.

12 out of these 20 suppliers reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by the following amounts:

Shennan Dianlu Co., Ltd. actively saved 3.6 million kWh of electricity by installing infrared welding tunnel ovens and UVLED lamps, and by replacing heating tubes with air heat pumps. 

Dongguan Shengyi Electronics Co., Ltd. saved 2.6 million kWh of electricity by using a central cooling system instead of its original drilling machine oil cooler, upgrading the workshop’s technology (combined exhaust tower network, increased frequency converter, etc.), transforming the boiler hot water pipe network, increasing the circulating pump frequency control, recovering waste heat from air compressors, and adopting other related green measures.

 (The above content was provided to IPE by the brand, who is responsible for the accuracy of the data.)
