Brand CasesAvary Holding Environmental Performance Improvement in Logistics

Publication Date:2023-09-06
In the 2022 ESG report, Avary holding disclosed the net zero goal - to challenge net zero emissions in 2050, including scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 emissions. In response to the realization of the carbon neutrality goal and the concept of “Green Logistics”, Avary Holding has integrated the logistics and distribution addresses of each park to improve logistics efficiency, reduce energy consumption, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions during transportation.
In 2022, the Shenzhen Park, Qinhuangdao Park and Huai'an Park of Avary Holding has reduced the overall number of trips by a total of 13,100 vehicles, saved a total of 3,083,264 liters of diesel and gasoline consumption and reduced emissions by 6,876 tons of CO2e by integrating freight demand (for supplier vehicles).

(The above content is provided by the brand, and the authenticity of the data is the responsibility of the brand. This article has both Chinese and English versions. If there is any inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.) 
