Company NameAUPUP
HeadquartersMainland China
SectorInternet Platform
Stock Ticker-
7.20 / 100
Rank NO.1236 / 1950
11.04 / 100
Rank NO.406 / 780
7.20 / 100
Rank NO.1236 / 1950
11.04 / 100
Rank NO.406 / 780
Company has incorporated policies regarding supplier energy conservation, emissions reduction, and carbon accounting and reporting into written documents such as the supplier code of conduct
Company offers capacity building and financial incentives, and/or launches innovative projects for suppliers to reduce emissions
Company has launched energy saving initiatives and/or low carbon technology innovation initiatives with material suppliers
Company has launched emission reduction initiatives with logistics suppliers
Direct suppliers have measured and publicly disclosed their own carbon emissions at facility level
Direct suppliers have set their own carbon targets, tracked and publicly disclosed reduction progress at facility level
Indirect suppliers have measured and publicly disclosed their own carbon emissions at facility level
Indirect suppliers have set their own carbon targets, tracked and publicly disclosed reduction progress at facility level
Company employs Blue EcoChain or other automated methods to empower upstream suppliers on supply chain carbon management
Company has promoted suppliers to replace primary production raw materials with recycled materials or lower carbon substitutes
Source of Information Sources of climate and environmental targets and emissions data include, but are not limited to: 1) companies' official websites, annual reports, CSR reports, ESG reports and sustainability reports; 2) companies' responses to the CDP climate change questionnaire. We use companies' annual sustainability reports as the primary source of information.
Progress towards emission reduction targets is calculated using covered emissions in the base year and latest reporting year. Auto-calculated progress= (covered emissions in latest reporting year - covered emissions in base year) / covered emissions in base year (%)
1) Scope 2 visualizations prioritize displaying market-based emissions data if available. 2) Scope 3 visualizations prioritize displaying the company’s own disclosed total emissions. If the company has only disclosed data for individual Scope 3 subcategories, the sum of the Scope 3 subcategories is displayed. 3) Emission categories are presented according to theGHG Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. If the company did not report according to this standard or only reported percentages, the data is not shown on this page
Accuracy of Information This page is dynamically updated by IPE. We strive to present the most accurate and up-to-date data based on publicly available information. If corrections are needed, please contact |