Brand Cases2024 Levi Strauss & Co. Sustainability Review and Outlook

Publication Date:2024-09-06

As a globally renowned apparel brand and a pioneer in sustainability, Levi Strauss & Co. has been consistently advocating for and committed to the sustainable development of global green supply chains. 

Since the initial release of our 2025 Climate and Water Action Strategies in 2018 and 2019, respectively, we have been continuously working towards achieving sustainability goals across our global supply chain. We are refining our goals as we progress, as outlined below:

·        50% reduction in water usage for production in the high-water scarcity areas, with 2018 as the base year.

·       In 2021, we established a target to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions no later than 2050, validated by SBTi.

·       In 2024, in line with SBTi recommendations, we updated the baseline year for our near-term Scope 3 target from 2016 to 2022, and announced a new commitment to reduce absolute emissions by 42% by 2030.  (more details please visit our website- A Renewed Climate Commitment - Levi Strauss & Co : Levi Strauss & Co)

·       In 2024, we then introduced our first-ever biodiversity goal to prevent and reduce our impact on biodiversity within our supply chain and support ecosystem protection and restoration beyond our supply chain. To do this, LS&Co. has committed to: 

(1) Invest in at least three projects in high water-stressed basins that support the reduction of freshwater withdrawal and nutrient load pressures in our raw material supply chain by the end of fiscal year 2030.

(2) Achieve zero deforestation across high-risk materials by the end of fiscal year 2025.

(3) Protect and restore 30% of our raw material footprint in high biodiversity significant regions by the end of fiscal year 2030. (more details, please visit our website- LS&Co.’s 2030 Biodiversity Strategy - Levi Strauss & Co : Levi Strauss & Co)

Progress towards the achievement of the Goals.

·         Reduction in GHG emissions by 22% in FY 2022 using 2016 as the base year (Scope 3 Category 1 - Procurement of Goods and Services).

·         14% reduction in water usage for production in high water scarcity areas in FY2021, using 2018 as the base year. *More detailed information can be found in the LS&Co.Sustainability Resources - Levi Strauss & Co : Levi Strauss & Co

As demonstrated, LS&Co. remains committed to advancing its sustainability goals by continually reviewing and refining our objectives to ensure they are both scientifically grounded and achievable. As a globally renowned apparel brand, our extensive supply chain spans numerous countries and regions, necessitating collaboration with various stakeholders in different locations to drive progress toward our sustainability targets. 

In China, the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) has been a crucial sustainability partner for the past decade, working alongside us to achieve significant milestones. IPE’s concerns align closely with our strategic direction, and we actively support and engage with their initiatives and activities. Through the Green Supply Chain Index (CITI) and the Corporate Climate Action Index (CATI), we have been advancing our supply chain sustainability management in China and achieving CITI top industry rankings for three consecutive years.

 As we move into 2024, we are optimizing our sustainability strategies and targets and updating our action plans. Our recent efforts include:

·       Eliminating Coal: To further reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we have initiated a global phase-out of coal projects. In collaboration with a third-party organization, we are supporting suppliers in developing transition plans to achieve zero coal usage by 2030.  

·       Evaluating Past Projects: We continue to assess previous water and emission reduction projects for impact, such as the Carbon Leadership Project (CLP) and Clean by Design (CbD), in partnership with Aii. These assessments help us understand the implementation of energy-saving and emission-reduction opportunities to support suppliers as they work toward their commitments.  

·       Updating Roadmap Tools: Based on our previously developed roadmap tools, we are working on a new version to cover a broader range of suppliers and track their energy and emission reductions more precisely. This tool sets and monitors each supplier’s progress towards their carbon and water targets, ensuring they have actionable plans in place. In China, we continue to use IPE’s Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) and carbon data reporting to cover more non-direct suppliers. As of August 20, 2024, 42 suppliers have publicly disclosed their greenhouse gas (GHG) targets, 69 have disclosed water targets, and 106 have disclosed solid waste targets.

Our efforts in green supply chain management extend beyond these actions, recognizing the multifaceted nature of sustainable supply chain management and the importance of stakeholder engagement. Our additional initiatives include:

·       Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC): We are participating in the ZDHC program ( to reduce pollutant discharge in wastewater by decreasing the use of hazardous chemicals. LS &Co.’s effective chemical management has been recognized by ZDHC, and we were awarded with Champion Level status in the 2024 ZDHC Brand to Zero assessment.

·       Strengthening IPE Collaboration: We are deepening our collaboration with IPE to enhance environmental management in our Chinese supply chain.

(1) By August 20, 2024, we have encouraged over 121 suppliers in China and Cambodia to complete PRTR reporting and over 115 suppliers to submit carbon data reports. This enables us to track and analyze supplier carbon and pollutant emissions trends, covering 100% of high-impact suppliers in China. Through extended supplier management, we have also prompted 38 non-LS& Co. suppliers to report PRTR data.

(2) Broadening Environmental Compliance: Through IPE, we extend our focus beyond direct suppliers to include logistics, chemicals, wastewater treatment, and other downstream suppliers, tracking more than 350 entities. This broader approach allows us to monitor the environmental compliance status of a larger segment of our supply chain in China. In 2024, we addressed 44 environmental violation records among various suppliers, including 7 from LS&Co. suppliers. Our continued efforts have led to zero new violations in 2024.

(3) Empowering Suppliers: We are further empowering larger suppliers and licensees to manage their own supply chain’s environmental and carbon impact through the IPE platform. In 2024, eight suppliers/licensees engaged in environmental and carbon management for their own supply chains.

As a pivotal year with a renewed commitment to climate action, 2024 marks significant progress in updating our sustainability goals to achieve our climate ambitions. The introduction of new projects and development of updated tracking tools have made our path towards achieving sustainability goals more robust, detailed, and scientifically informed. We are confident that, with the support of global stakeholders and partners like IPE, we will continue to drive meaningful progress.

(The above content is provided by the brand, and the authenticity of the data is the responsibility of the brand. This article has both Chinese and English versions. If there is any inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.)
