Total Possible Score: 10078
Out of 780 total brands2
Out of 40 total brands in the Auto parts industry5
Out of 40 total brands in the Household Appliances industry54.90
Total Possible Score: 10046
Out of 1950 total brands2
Out of 41 total brands in the Household Appliances industry2
Out of 53 total brands in the Auto parts industryThe total score of the company's Corporate ClimateAction CATI Index evaluation is converted by a factor of 20% to Indicator 4.1 of the Green Supply Chain CITI Index.
As carbon hotspots vary from industry to industry, a weighting factor applies across four of the five CATI activity areas: Measurement & Disclosure (15%; Indicator 2.3.1 (6%) does not apply), Carbon Targets Setting (14%), Performance against Carbon Targets (12%) and Climate Action (43%). The default weighting factors for each industry are shown in the CATI Evaluation Guidelines.