HP Promotes Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction in China Supply Chain
In 2016, 44 Chinese suppliers submitted operational efficiency plans with potential combined annual savings of more than 143,600 MWh of energy.
Total Possible Score: 10046
Out of 741 total brands11
Out of 69 total brands in the IT/ ICT industry50.40
Total Possible Score: 10050
Out of 1510 total brands10
Out of 107 total brands in the IT/ ICT industryBrand appoints someone to follow up on green supply chain management in China, and the frequency of communication with stakeholders occurs more often than quarterly, OR Brand appoints someone to follow up on green supply chain management in China, and employs the automatic reporting form provided by the Blue EcoChain or equivalent systems to communicate with stakeholders about green supply chain management.
Brand updates published list of its suppliers in China at least annually; OR Brand has attempted to push its suppliers in China to use the Blue EcoChain or other automated system to track their own environmental performance and commit to provide public disclosures regarding violations in a timely manner, thereby accepting public supervision.
Brand employs the Blue EcoChain or other automated methods to track its suppliers’ environmental compliance AND pushes suppliers to track their own environmental compliance via Blue EcoChain or other automated methods.
Brand publicly requires supplier environmental compliance in writing and commits to pushing problem suppliers to adopt corrective actions and at least publicly disclose explanations about their environmental violation issues.
Brand extends its environmental management to chemical production, use and discharge along its supply chain, and publicly discloses matching requirements.
Brand extends its environmental management to wastewater generation, treatment and discharge along its supply chain, and publicly discloses matching requirements.
Brand extends its environmental management to solid waste transportation, utilization and disposal along its supply chain, and publicly discloses matching requirements.
Brand extends its environmental management to the logistics process along its supply chain and publicly disclose green logistics policies.
Brand empowers its suppliers to manage environmental risks along their own supply chains.
Brand calculates the greenhouse gas emissions from its value chain, publicly discloses its value chain reduction targets and implement initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its value chain.
Brand has publicly disclosed resource use and efficiency, and pollutant reduction target(s) and the progress made against these targets. Brands has identified priority sectors for resource use and pollutant emissions in its supply chain in China, as well as suppliers with high resource consumption and pollutant emissions, and requires these suppliers to reduce resource use and increase efficiency, reduce pollutant emissions and track changes.
Through product packaging, labeling, online and/or offline sales channels, the brand guides the public to understand environmentally friendly product design that is easy to sort, recycle and reuse, as well as the approaches and results of manufacturing, supply chain management, logistics, product use, waste product and packaging recycling, and other processes to reduce environmental impact or environmental footprint.
The total score of category 3.2 is 12, while the conversion ratio for indicator 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 will vary by industry (See CITI Evaluation Guidelines-Appendix II)
As carbon hotspots vary from industry to industry, a weighting factor applies across four of the five CATI activity areas: Measurement & Disclosure (15%; Indicator 2.3.1 does not apply), Carbon Targets Setting (14%), Performance against Carbon Targets (14%) and Climate Action (43%). The default weighting factors for each industry are shown in the CATI Evaluation Guidelines.