Snapshot lightens up
neighborhood garbage sorting

Biodiversity Snapshot

Carbon Footprint Snapshot

Plastic Reduction Campaign

Blue Map Calender

Climate Action Checklist


Climate change mitigation and adaptation requires participation and contribution from individuals. In our daily lives, saving one kilowatt-hour of electricity and using one less set of disposable tableware will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In order to address climate change and contribute to the dual-carbon goal, IPE has jointly launched the “Climate Hub” with WildAid. By quantifying emission reductions from individual low-carbon behavior and user interactions, it aims to enhance public awareness of climate change, improve society's climate resilience, and promote quantifiable emission reductions at the consumption end. Join us in discovering climate action in your life and making a difference!


2025年01月01日 —— 2025年12月31日


1.每完成一次减碳行动打卡,可获得10积分,每日上限30积分; 2.每解锁5个不同的气候行动,获得1个志愿服务时长(当月4个时长上限,志愿时长活动不定期在志愿北京发布,注意关注,可添加工作人员及时获取最新活动资讯或时长)。 3.每完成5个不同门店有效的自带杯问卷,可额外获得1个志愿服务时长(当月4个时长上限,志愿时长活动不定期在志愿北京发布,注意关注,可添加工作人员及时获取最新活动资讯或时长)。 4.当年打卡30类气候行动,可获得电子版社会公益证书1份,符合条件后可点击申请按钮申领证书(注意:如您需要当年的参与证书,请最晚于当年最后1天24:00前申请证书并将电子版保存至相册,次年将无法再申请上年度证书。)
