Brand CasesSafeguarding Sustainability: VF's Innovative CHEM-IQ Program in Chemical Management

Publication Date:2023-09-16

Protecting People and the Planet - VF's Vision for Product Stewardship

VF Corporation is one of the world’s largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies, with brands including The North Face, Vans, and Timberland. In the pursuit of continually enhancing product safety and environmental protection, VF places utmost importance on its Product Stewardship program, which covers every stage of the intricate supply chain. At the heart of this endeavor lies VF's groundbreaking CHEM-IQSM program, empowering the company to phase out and replace hazardous chemicals based on their risk profiles. This article delves into VF's commitment to chemical management, with a special focus on the accomplishments and ambitions of the CHEM-IQSM program.

VF's Commitment to Reduce Chemical Footprint 

Driven by an unwavering commitment to exceed industry standards, VF is steadfast in its ambition to eliminate and/or restrict 100% of unwanted chemicals or substances from its supply chain by FY26. This ambitious goal showcases VF's determination to lead the industry towards a future that prioritizes chemical safety and sustainability. With the continued leveraging of the CHEM-IQSM program, VF aims to set new benchmarks for chemical management practices across the board.

VF's dedication to sustainability is evident in the concrete steps taken to achieve its targets. As a responsible global citizen, VF recognizes that its actions today shape the world of tomorrow. By driving forward with the CHEM-IQSM program, VF actively contributes to a future where hazardous substances are replaced with safer alternatives. 

VF's commitment goes beyond its own operations. The company actively engages with its suppliers and stakeholders, encouraging them to embrace sustainable practices. By collaboratively working towards eliminating unwanted chemicals from the supply chain, VF fosters a culture of responsibility and positive change throughout the industry.

Eliminating Unwanted Chemicals and Substances: Unveiling the Power of CHEM-IQSM

Through the implementation of the CHEM-IQSM program from FY20 to FY22, VF made significant strides in removing nearly 300 MT of unwanted chemicals and substances from its extended supply chain. The CHEM-IQSM program, VF's proprietary methodology, enables proactive identification of potentially harmful chemicals at their source, even before regulatory restrictions. Subsequently, VF works with business partners to replace these chemicals with safer alternatives throughout the supply chain, helping to better protect associates, factory workers, consumers, and the environment.

The need to protect human health and the environment from harmful chemicals has never been more crucial. As the global population grows and industrial activities increase, so does the potential risk of exposure to hazardous substances. Recognizing the responsibility to make efforts to safeguard people and the planet, VF's Product Stewardship program acts as a shield against the adverse impacts of chemicals throughout the supply chain and VF's CHEM-IQSM program forms a key pillar of this protection.

Expanding Program Implementation: Accelerating Change Across the Chain

VF's dedication to continuous improvement is evident in its ongoing efforts to expand the implementation of the CHEM-IQSM program. Aiming to screen 100% of in-scope Tier 1 and nominated Tier 2 suppliers annually, VF has experienced a 13% increase in the number of supplier facilities screened in FY22 compared to FY20. By Tier, in-scope supplier factories completing the rigorous CHEM-IQSM screening process: 65% of Tier 1, 69% of nominated Tier 2, and 100% of Tier 3 suppliers (nominated cement suppliers). This expansion strengthens VF's capacity to drive positive change throughout the supply chain. 

VF recognizes that true transformation requires collective action. As such, the company actively collaborates with industry partners, NGOs, and regulatory bodies to share best practices, knowledge, and insights. By fostering a collaborative ecosystem, VF empowers the industry to collectively address chemical management challenges and work towards a more sustainable future.

Regional cases: Factories in China 

In FY22, a total of 75 factories participated in the CHEM-IQ program, and 44 out of these 75 factories were identified to be using unwanted chemicals through the CHEM-IQSM assessment. Following the identification process, we engaged with the factories and provided them with guidance to help explain the purpose and benefits of the CHEM-IQSM program to their chemical suppliers. As a result of our efforts, a remarkable 91% of the factories successfully replaced the unwanted chemicals with safer alternatives, which were approved by CHEM-IQSM. This significant achievement not only ensures a safer working environment for the factory employees but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable supply chain.

Conclusion: Championing Progress Towards Sustainable Chemical Management

VF’s CHEM-IQSM program demonstrates the company's commitment to sustainability and product safety. By successfully eliminating unwanted chemicals and substances from its supply chain and continuously expanding the program's reach, VF emerges as a trailblazer in the industry. With an unwavering dedication to chemical management, VF paves the way for a safer, greener, and more sustainable future. 



(1)   VF FY2022 Made for Change Report

(2)   VF CHEM-IQSM program

(3)   VF Reducing Our Chemical Footprint

(The above content is provided by the brand, and the authenticity of the data is the responsibility of the brand. This article has both Chinese and English version. If there is any inconsistency, the English version shall prevail.)
