Blue EcoChain enables brands to track their suppliers in China for environmental compliance at scale, and receive automated updates on regulatory violations and environmental remediation as well as carbon and pollutant data disclosure continuously on a large scale. Powered by IPE's Blue Map Database and AI technology, Blue EcoChain provides the most efficient means of supply chain oversight for environmental and carbon risks.

What's more, by allowing multiple parties, including suppliers themselves, access to synchronized alerts, Blue EcoChain shifts the conventional dynamic of brands policing suppliers to one of equal participation, in which suppliers feel individually responsible for compliance problems as they arise, without the need for a push from their clients each time. Blue EcoChain thereby forges partnerships in environmental risk management centered on solving problems expeditiously.

How does it work?

For Brands

  • Register an account on the IPE website and request for an upgrade to a brand account;

  • Search suppliers by name and click to 'follow' them, hence adding a list of facilities into the brand account;

  • Receive automated updates via the Blue Map app or email when a supplier: receives a new supervision record exceeds pollutant standards in their hourly monitoring data (only available for designated high-impact enterprises) publishes new carbon and environmental data, rectification plans or audit reports

  • Train suppliers to track their own supply chain performance via the Blue EcoChain.

For Suppliers

  • Register an account on the IPE website and upgrade to a corporate account;

  • Publish explanations on violations or excessive emissions;

  • Disclose carbon and environmental data;

  • Receive automated updates via the Blue Map app or email when the corporate user: receives a new supervision record exceeds pollutant standards in hourly monitoring data (only available for designated high-impact enterprises) receives notice regarding GCA audit, information disclosure or carbon and environmental data reporting status

  • Search its own suppliers, including: wastewater and hazardous waste treatment facilities by name, click to 'follow' them, and receive automated updates via the Blue Map app or email on their environmental performances, rectification plans and data disclosure.

What are the benefits?

  • Maximum Efficiency

    Dynamically track the environmental performance, corrective action and environmental data disclosure of multiple tiers of suppliers

  • Life-Cycle Oversight

    Extend management to suppliers of higher environmental and climate risks with the click of a button, overseeing the performance of the entire life cycle

  • Equal Partnerships

    Empower suppliers to fulfil their primary responsibility for pollution control, and forges partnerships in environmental risk management

Getting started now!

Since 2018, more than 70 brand companies, industry associations and other stakeholders have made active use of the Blue EcoChain in supply chain management. Join a coalition of brands leading sustainable business today.
